Meeting Changes – Conover / Hickory

The Friday morning 11:30 am meeting at the Women’s Resource Center in Hickory has moved to Immanuel Lutheran Church, 2448 Emmanual Church Road, Fellowship Hall in Conover, Nc 28613 and a new evening meeting Tuesday night at 7 PM at the same location has been added. Support recovery attend meetings. Contact Carolyn at 828-466-8252 for more information on the meetings in Conover.

Unity Day Workshop

Enjoy OA Unity on Saturday, February 29th, 2020 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm in the Spirit Center at Community in Christ Lutheran Church 7621 Norman Island Dr., Cornelius, NC 28031.

There will be two speakers, games, a basket to be raffled and a yard sale after the unity day workshop. The theme is Our Common Welfare should come first, personal recovery depends upon OA unity. Enter through the courtyard left side door. If you want to participate in the yard sale bring five items of clothes or knick knacks to donate. Items will be sold from 1-5$. Proceeds will support OA.

Proposed Bylaws Changes

Please read the proposed changes and bring your voice to the next Intergroup meeting  (11:35 Saturday, 2/8) or send a message to with your thoughts.
Every year OA members communicate to the WSO representative the topics they want discussed at the World Service Business Conference in New Mexico.  
We are not voting for or against the suggestions, just yes or no, these should be discussed.Thanks 

Highlights from Susan, our World Service Business Conference representative

1. To revert to the earlier version of the Statement on Abstinence and Recovery

2. Making July the month of OA service (we now have dates on abstinence, unity and sponsorship)

3. Defining a hybrid meeting

4. Adding the tool of “pause”

5. Adding the tool of “spiritual awareness”

6. Clarifying the dates for the special events (OA Birthday, Unity Day, Sponsorship Day, IDEA day)

7. Allow virtual attendance by visitors to WSBC in 2021

8. When updating and developing new literature, take into account all groups (LGBTQ2, people of color, anorexics, men, non-native speakers, etc)

9. Changing wording “Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from compulsive overeating,under eating, food addiction, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating or overexercising…”

10. Changes to Trustees to include at least 2 trustees from outside North America and qualifications

Unity Day Workshop and Clothing Sale fundraiser 2/29 10 am -12:30 pm

Speakers, Games, Fellowship, Raffle and Clothing Sale at 7621. Norman Island Drive, Cornelius, NC Arrive by 9:45 to drop off 1-5 items to sell after the workshop. Norman Island Drive, Cornelius, NC. Clothes and knick-knacks will be sold for 1-5 dollars. 

The workshop is from 10-12 followed by a clothing sale to raise funds to support carrying a message of recovery to those who still suffer. The event is in the Spirit Center. Enter through the courtyard left side door. 

Contact Carol at 516-476-0799 for more information.

Relapse Recovery Meeting Starts January 7th

Tuesdays from 10-11am, Beginning:  January 7, 2020. The focus is Focus:  “Recovery from Relapse”  (all are welcome!!!) We will be reading from the the Green Book titled “A New Beginning… Stories of Recovery from Relapse”

Zoar Road Club, 14729 Thomas Road, Charlotte, NC Contact Stacey (626)-354-2334. The Zoar Road club is in a 12 Step club house in awhite building behind Good Shepherd Club on the border of Charlotte and Ft. Mill