Contact local OA members at 704-303-9601. The phone number to connect people interested in OA to a local OA member in the metropolitian Charlotte region has changed.The new name is InfoLine and the number is (704) 303-9601. It was known as Reach Line (704) 319-1625.
Category: News
Unity Day Celebrated!!
The Charlotte Area Intergroup held a Unity Day Workshop on February 24, 2018. It was very well done and decorated quite beautifully!
It was a well-attended gathering and a positive energy permeated the workshop.
The speaker was excellent while attendees made valuable comments. A raffle was held and centerpieces were generously given. Congratulations to the many people who made it happen. It was a fun yet inspirational 12-Step experience. Unity Day reminds us that unity is our foundation and the tie that binds us to each other and a Higher Power.
Thanks to all who attended. 🙏
Lyn M. Charlotte