1st NC Convention Speaker’s Reflection

I was honored to have an opportunity to address the attendees at North Carolina’s first state convention. It was so well run, and the people so friendly that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

And the format enabled me to both schmooze and take naps and get to know some people more than I otherwise might have been able to.  

I take with me many happy memories, and the knowledge that I’ll be staying in touch with more new friends in my ever expanding OA family.  

Protect and defend your abstinence. It’s worth it and you’re worth it.

Neil, Baltimore

What would you think when asked to tell about your higher power?

The speakers at the NCOA Convention brought a diverse and timely message to me. Hearing their stories and their messages brought hope to me that I too could share in their recovery. I was fortunate to be able to spend time with several of them outside the formal conference setting. It was eye opening. One asked me “tell me about your higher power”. That was a “Wow” moment for me and led to a wonderful discussion.

One of the most rewarding things about the convention was meeting and bonding with new people. Expanding my OA Family is a blessing. Having the opportunity to give service there was very rewarding. OA is made up of an amazing group of people and getting to know more of them was wonderful. Now, how am I going to remember all those names?

Sid, Raleigh

1st Annual North Carolina OA Convention a wonderful success

More than 120 people attended the convention in Winston-Salem and OA members from across North Carolina met and shared recovery. The convention had five great speakers and we have the recordings of the speakers to share at your meetings. Contact chair@piedmontintergroup to request a CD of a speaker. Are you interested in helping with next year’s convention? We are meeting after the Charlotte Summer Social on July 14th. Check out the events page of the website for more information.

NC State Convention Starts Friday May 4th Agenda

You can join the first OA NC State Convention today, Saturday or Sunday and meet other recovering compulsive overeaters and hear stories of strength and hope. Come to the Hawthorne Inn in Winston Salem at 420 High St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Stay for an hour, a day or the whole weekend. Its $35  to register at the hotel. Checks and cash are accepted. Contact Atiya at 919-302-1030 (no texts) or ncoaconvention@gmail.com. As of Friday morning, there were extra beds available in currently booked rooms.


Friday, May 4, 2018

3 PM – Registration Opens/Hotel Check-in

7:30 PM – Speaker

10 PM – Late-night Meeting

Saturday, May 5, 2018

6 – 10 AM – Hotel Breakfast Hours (Complimentary buffet for hotel guests)

7 AM – Early Morning Meeting

10 AM – Speaker

2 PM – Speaker

7:30 PM – Speaker


Sunday, May 6, 2018

6 – 10 AM Hotel Breakfast Hours (Complimentary buffet for hotel guests)

7 AM – Early Morning Meeting

8 AM – Intergroup Rep breakfast planning meeting for next Convention (all interested Reps welcome to attend)

9:30 AM – OA Speaker

11 AM – Dance

11:45 AM – Convention ends

All speaker meetings during the Convention are open (visitors are welcomed). Late night and early morning meetings are closed.




Greensboro Recovery Workshop Joy

On March 24, 2018, two groups of Charlotte OA members attended a Recovery Workshop held in Greensboro, NC.  They started off with a funny icebreaker, moved on to an abstinence workshop and then had a strong speaker.

Following that, we paired off and were given a recovery issue to discuss. There was a lot of recovery there but the best part for me was the honest and sincere sharing. There’s nothing like a good workshop to put some inspiration into my program! It was so nice to meet and share with other recovering OA folks. The fellowship and community of OA is very valuable to me; another blessing from my Higher Power:

a true gift! 💝



Unity Day Gratitude

I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to attend Unity Day 2018. It was a true example of many people coming together from all backgrounds of life and from different areas of the world to share in the healing of this program. I related to the speaker — no matter where we come from, OA offers the same love, strength, hope and solutions to everyone. All OA members are united and can feel at home at any meeting.

It took me a while to get all the answers to the jumble game we played for the Serenity Prayer. This also showed me that it takes time to recover in this program, at different paces but as one family. It was especially touching to me as we all read the OA promises holding hands together reciting “I put my hand in your and together we can do what we could never do alone.”

Maria, a grateful compulsive overeater.