
8Intergroup meets via Zoom at 8:30 am on the 1st Saturday of the month . Email for a link to the session. All OA members are welcome.

The intergroup is composed of representatives from OA meetings, the intergroup board  consisting of an elected chair, co-chair, secretary, treasurer, region representative and World Service Organization representative and various intergroup service positions listed below.

Intergroup Board Members

  • Chair: Responsible for setting the agenda for, and presiding over, all IG meetings; serves as WSO and SOAR representative.  (
  • Co-Chair: Serves in the absence of the Chair.
  • Secretary: Keeps minutes of all IG meetings. (
  • Treasurer: Maintains checking and savings accounts for the IG; submits financial reports at monthly IG meetings; prepares and presents an annual budget.  (
  • WSO Delegate: Attends and reports on WSO Conferences. Requires two (2) years of current and continuous abstinence.  (
  • SOAR Representative(s): Attends all region assembly meetings. Requires one (1) year of current and continuous abstinence.(

Service Positions at Intergroup

  • Phone Contact: Answers the phone for the intergroup and reports on the number of calls received at each intergroup meeting. (
  • Webmaster: maintains the website for the intergroup. (

The Piedmont Intergroup is a member of Southeast Overeater’s Anonymous Region 8 (SOAR)