OA is 62! Celebrate the Birthday 1/14-16/2022

January 14-16, 2022.  Click for more information and to register

Virtual party sponsored by the Los Angeles OA Intergroup with many workshops. Cost is $30. The following is taken from the Los Angeles Intergroup website about the event.

What is the Birthday Party?

The annual Overeaters Anonymous Birthday Party celebrates the January 1960 founding of our program. The party is the main Special Event of the year for the Los Angeles Intergroup. Its purpose is to enhance personal recovery in OA, raise funds to keep the intergroup thriving, and highlight fellowship and service.

What will you experience at the Birthday Party?

Workshops, panels, marathon meetings, and special focus meetings on a large range of topics all day Saturday and Sunday. Additionally, we will be having a weekend-long Big Book study, which is always well-attended. You can expect numerous panels and workshops, including our popular “Sober Eating” workshop and sponsor meet & greets.

Additionally, there will be other fun things on the schedule, such as yoga and meditation. We have a unique opportunity this year to connect with fellows from all over the globe without leaving our homes!”

Sponsorship Day Workshop 8/21/2021 Saturday 1-3 PM EDT

Saturday, August 21st, 2021 1:00- 3: 00 PM EDT. Join other OA members as we reflect on sponsoring and being sponsored. There will be speakers and a break out room. The event is sponsored by the Piedmont OA Intergroup Zoom meeting ID is 840 5717 8092 Passcode is 053881. email eventchair@piedmontintergroup.org to volunteer to help with this event.

Click zoom link to join

2021 Summer Social

June 5th, 1- 3 PM Annual Summer Social OA Gathering to celebrate the joy of recovery

Video Conference Event. Zoom ID 833 4378 1665 passcode 239718

Email events@piedmontintegroup.org to volunteer


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