10:30 – 11:50 Noon (80 minutes)
Ever wonder why you sometimes become unplugged or fumble with your communication with HP? Want to dig deeper with enlarging your spiritual connection? Together, in small groups and individually, we will look at false narratives and the truth that HP says about us as well as participating in written two-way prayer. The goal of this workshop is to leave this retreat with a personal road map that will grow your personal relationship with your personal HP who loves you so much and who desires for you to live free of compulsive eating and compulsive eating behaviors. Literature used in this session include OA’s Seeking a Spiritual Path Book and AA’s The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. (Porch near Fireside Lounge)
fIn this workshop we will look at how working the 12 steps and hearing the experience of others in OA literature and the group assists us in creating more harmonious, loving relationships with others and helps us live without eating compulsively. We will review how a foundation in Steps 0 and 1, then 2 and 3, then 4 and 5, and finally 6 and 7 are vital to create relationships that are built in Steps 8 and 9, with maintenance of those relationships in Step 10. We will learn what our literature says can happen to us if we choose to live with defective relationships in our lives. We will hear stories of others about how our relationships become healthier as we become healthier. We will see the many ramifications of the slogan, “You spot it, you got it” as it applies to our relationships with others. Time will be reserved for questions of the group and open sharing. (Assembly Hall)
In this workshop we will look at the power to change our relationships by changing our attitudes and expectations. Are we living in an environment of fear or resentment or are we practicing seeing the world and people in it with love and gratitude? What are the glasses we wear to see the world around us? We may read from For Today on Geographic Cure, March 6th, July 5th. AA Big Book, Acceptance is the Answer, VOR p. 100, p. 66 , Life Line. Energy, Plain and Simple.” (Gazebo by Dining Hall)
Saturday Afternoon Workshops
5:00 – 6:00 PM (60 Minutes)
In this workshop we will look at our relationship to time and how it affects our recovery from compulsive eating. Instead of procrastinating (waiting to be happy after achieving a goal weight or after ….,) we learn to live just for today. We clean up the past and learn patience waiting for intuitive guidance. We discover that daily repetition of actions bring us recovery, what needs prompt action, how to wait for direction, how to continue taking inventory, seeking to improve our conscious contact. The literature has suggestions on what to do upon awakening and upon retiring and when agitated. We look at the difference a sense of urgency (usually self will) and HP’s time. We may meditate, write, read the following stories …. Abstinence: Finding the Balance, For Today, February 9th (Fireside Lounge)
In this workshop we will look at actions we can take to make right the harm we have done to our bodies by getting to know it. We may still our minds to feel our bodies. We may read and talk about stories from Body Image Book Reconnecting to My body, Working the 12 Steps on My Body Image, Embracing my body image , At Ease with my body, My God Box. (Assembly Hall )
In this workshop we will get our creative juices flowing through journaling and an art project designed to help us strengthen our relationships with God, self, and others using OA slogans. We will also learn how to choose the best ones for our daily needs. We will receive a handout with dozens of OA slogans to choose from for the reminder we create to keep and apply to our lives to enhance our design for living. (Meeting Room 1)
Sunday Morning Workshops
9:50 – 10:50 AM (60 Minutes)
One of the tools of OA is a Plan of eating. Sounds like a diet, doesn’t it? Wrong. Your food is just a small part of it. Where do you eat? When do you eat? What people and situations lead you to eat? How can you change your responses to them? What can you do if your disease continues to whisper in your ear? Do you have an emergency plan? In this workshop, we’ll look at ways to live abstinently with healthy eating behaviors. When you leave, you’ll have your own new Plan of Eating. It works when you work it! (Meeting Room 1)
In this workshop we hear how others practice self care, gentleness, kindness, self love, self acceptance. How they counter the voice of judgment, perfectionism. and shame (Should Have Already Mastered Everything). “We have learned that a complete willingness to make amends to ourselves and to forgive ourselves for past mistakes has been essential to our recovery. OA 12&12, p58-59 As we work the steps and become honest, we discover ourselves, we begin to forgive and love ourselves. This workshop looks at this process and the tools that help facilitate treating ourselves in a loving manner and what effect self love has on our relationships. During this workshop we may look at Step 4-6, steps 8-9. “When we face the guilt that truthfully tells us you made a mistake, we are freed of the shame that tells us We are a mistake”. Possible readings include stories from Body Image, Relationships, and Sexuality: Accepting myself and others, Learning to Live with an Open Heart, VOR p.59, 213, 229, 242 New Beginnings Honesty, Trust and Action. (Fireside Lounge)
In this workshop we will look at the power of the OA Fellowship and how it impacts all the relationships in our life. “I cherish my OA friends; because of them, all my relationships are improving.” (For Today, September 1)
(Assembly Hall)