Proposed Bylaws Changes

Please read the proposed changes and bring your voice to the next Intergroup meeting  (11:35 Saturday, 2/8) or send a message to with your thoughts.
Every year OA members communicate to the WSO representative the topics they want discussed at the World Service Business Conference in New Mexico.  
We are not voting for or against the suggestions, just yes or no, these should be discussed.Thanks 

Highlights from Susan, our World Service Business Conference representative

1. To revert to the earlier version of the Statement on Abstinence and Recovery

2. Making July the month of OA service (we now have dates on abstinence, unity and sponsorship)

3. Defining a hybrid meeting

4. Adding the tool of “pause”

5. Adding the tool of “spiritual awareness”

6. Clarifying the dates for the special events (OA Birthday, Unity Day, Sponsorship Day, IDEA day)

7. Allow virtual attendance by visitors to WSBC in 2021

8. When updating and developing new literature, take into account all groups (LGBTQ2, people of color, anorexics, men, non-native speakers, etc)

9. Changing wording “Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from compulsive overeating,under eating, food addiction, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating or overexercising…”

10. Changes to Trustees to include at least 2 trustees from outside North America and qualifications

International Day Experiencing Abstinence 11/16/2019

Piedmont Inter group invites OA members to a walk-a-thon and IDEA day workshop on abstinence through the holidays on Saturday 11/16/2019. The walk-a-thon is from 8:30 to 10:00 at Boyce Park, 300 Boyce Road, Charlotte near the IDEA day workshop which is from 10:15 to 12:15 at St. Stephens United Methodist Church on 6800 Sardis Road, Charlotte NC, 28270.

Tooling up for Recovery Day!

Join your fellow OAers on Saturday, May 11th from 1-3 pm in Cornelius, NC for a 2 hour workshop focused on the 9 OA tools. The workshop will be in Community in Christ Lutheran Church 7621 Norman Island Drive, Cornelius North Carolina, 28031. Call Alice at 919-247-1338 to volunteer with decorations and whatever else HP might need to create a recovery day. For people that want to make it a day of OA fellowship, attend the Davidson OA meeting from 10-11 at 209 Delburg Street. It’s only a 15 minute drive from Davidson to Cornelius. There’s time for lunch and fellowship. A chance to share how you use the tools and how they help your recovery.

Intergroup Meeting 2/9/2019

Represent your group at 11:30 at our next intergroup meeting. (100 Billingsley Road, Room G) We will be discussing the world service business conference (WSBC) proposals. Groups need to vote on these motions so our representative can share our views at the WSBC in May. We would love to see you in person however we need your voice and will have the phone line active. Call 704-909-0028 passcode 1212.